New links
Some new links on Shamanism have been added to the website. They are on Siberian Shamanism and Tuvinian Shamanism.
Rev Dragons Blade
Animals Speak
Ok, I just picked up the book "Animals Speak" by Ted Andrews...no relation...that I know of....and it's supposed to use Shamanic practices. Also coming out this year, Christopher Penczak will be releasing his next book in the Temple series. In July he will be releasing "The Shamanic Temple of Witch...
Rev Dragons Blade
"Walk with a Shaman"
Don't forget we have a banner on the banners page for a site called "Walk With A Shaman." It's an interesting site with some decent information.
Rev Dragons Blade
Animals and there meanings
This is just a short list of some animals and their meanings. Keep in mind that their meanings may vary from culture to culture. So I suggest you read some books on shamanism, and animals and their myths in other cultures. Think thoroughly what you are reading. Meet the an...
Lady an Raven
How to find your Totem Animal
Choose Your Totem Animal
There are several ways that witches and pagans use to find their totem animals.
A particular animal feels good to you.
Your own affinity with an animal.
Medicine cards
Read books on Native American culture and shamanism, and other books on animals and th...
Lady an Raven
Shamanic States of Consciousness
Shamanic States of Consciousness or: "What am I doing here?"
"Shamanic States of Consciousness" is more than just a label to describe the changing states of consciousness the shaman experiences as he travels on his journey to, through, and f...
Lady an Raven
The Raven Mocker
The Raven Mocker
Of all the Cherokee wizards or witches the most dreaded is the Raven Mocker (Kâ'lanû Ahkyeli'skï), the one that robs the dying man of life.
They are of either sex and there is no sure way to know one, though they usually look withered and old, because they have add...
Lady an Raven
Shamanism in the Native Bon Tradition of Tibet
Shamanism in the Native Bon Tradition of Tibet
Shamanism, an ancient Tradition found in cultures throughout the world, values a balanced relationship between humanity and Nature. Because of the recent alarming increase in pollution and exploitation of the environment, along with the conseq...
Lady an Raven
Shamanic Traditions
I think there is the potential for all types of traditions here. I've heard of Wiccan Shamans, Native American Shamans, and Celtic Shamans. Hopefully we'll get someone who knows a little bit more about it on here soon.
Rev Dragons Blade