50 Ways to use oils for a Scent-sational life
Over 50 Ways To Use Essential Oils For a "Scent-sational" Life
1. For great-smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc., place a few drops of lavender, lemon, lime, or any other essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth or an unscented dryer sheet and toss into the clothes dryer while dry...
Lady an Raven
Looking for herbs to help...
Greetings all...
iIam not real smart on herbs and thier properties, so I am hoping someone here can help or knows someone who might be able to. My step father who is a diabetic is having problems with his legs. they are breaking open in huge sore that ooz a puss and watery substance, and...
melindas anti-depressant oil
in a 2 dram amber or cobalt bottle add
3 drops LemonVerbena Oil
3 drops Lemom Grass oil
fill the rest of the bottle up with HIGH quality rose perfumed oil
while you are mixing the oils chant:
Blues blues go away
Fearful thoughts have flown away
Happy thoughts are welcomed here
Fearful t...
For that intoxicated feeling without the liquer.
Sandlewood and Jasmine
Ok, I found this one by accident. I was just mixing a couple oils in the bath to help me relax. They are very relaxing, but if you use a lot, they are rather intoxicating. As I have a rather large bathtub, I used about three droppers full of each *D'OH!* Let's just say I got out of t...
Rev Dragons Blade
Herbs for Night time
Herbs at Bedtime To ensure sleep: stitch a 6-inch pillow. Stuff it half full with cotton batting, then fill it with celery seed. Sleep with this pillow on top of your regular pillow. The scent should cause drowsiness. Drink tea made from anise, chamomile, parsley, valerian, clover, lavender, woodr...
Lady an Raven