The following are a few Satanic, philosophical principals by which I live. Some were inspired by other Satanists, others from life experience, and some by observing the experiences of others.
1: Do not cause unwarranted harm to anyone.
(The key word here, being, "unwarranted". It is wrong to cause intentional harm without a just cause. However, there are times when persons must take action in order to protect themselves or others. And there are times when one must take action in preventative manors to ensure that others do not have the means by which to harm you.)
2: If someone harms you, be patient in your revenge.
(Patience produces rational thought. It is very easy to be caught up in the moment of anger. This is where one must seperate themselves from their emotion and analize the situation to first determine weather the actions of the person truly justifies your time and effort, and secondly, patience gives time for your anger to subside, thus giving you logical thought, rather than impulsive action that will come back to haunt you.)
3: All forms or sex are acceptable: (so long as all parties are human, over the age of 18, of sound mind and judgment, and are consenting to the act.)
This is fairly self explanitory:
4: NEVER cause harm to a child.
(Children are sacrid to Satanists, for they have yet to be corrupted by the systematic brainwashing of society. A child, (uless taught otherwise) will befriend anyone at any time. Children are taught to hate, discriminate, become narrow minded, conform, etc etc. These things do not come natural to anyone. In Satanic perspective, children are perfect until they are taught to be otherwise.)
5: NEVER cause harm to animals unless your well being is in danger or you intend to eat them.
(The question was posed to me once; "What about mouse traps? The mouse isn't harming you and your probably not going to eat it are you?" In this persons attempt at being witty, they failed to recognise that mice carry disease. Thus, ridding ones self of these pests prevents a potential threat to your well being.)
6: Respect the earth, for she is your mother.
(This is often misinterpreted as worshiping the earth. Satanists do not worhip ANYTHING. The earth gives birth to everything, for from the earth comes vegitation, which is eaten by herbivores, which are eaten by carnivores, and by process of waste, the grownd is yet again furtilized, producing more vegitation. Were it not for the Earth, none of us would be here, therefore we call it our mother.)
7: Respect those who give you respect, hate those who do not.
(Upon this, I will quote Anton LaVey's, Satanic Bible.
"Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you---is this not the despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon it's back when kicked?" )
8: In your own home, you are a King/Queen: Those who visit you should account you as such.
(In Satanic philosophy, each persons home is his/her kingdom. Those who enter therin are subject to the laws of that kingdom, as with any other. If the person does not abide by those laws, they are either punished or expelled)
9: When in another’s home, treat them with the same respect you expect to receive in your own home.
10: If an unwanted guest should arrive, ask them nicely to leave, if they resist, use whatever force you deem necessary to rid yourself of them.
11: If someone in your home offends you, treat them as an intruder.
12: Do not enter into fruitless debates.
(An ideal debate is an exchange of ideas, not in an attempt to convert the other person to your way of thinking but, to give them and yourself the chance to better understand the others perspective, which in tern may eventually persuade that person or yourself. Fruitless debates are those which resolve nothing and only make the other person dispise you for your philosophy.)
13: No doctrine should be accepted on any other basis than logic.
(To Quote the band "Slayer" "I have no faith distracting me" The Satanist is not superstitious in the least. Ever analizing doctrine, theology, philosophy, etc. for it's logic, reason, and purpose.)
14: Respect is not given, it is earned.
15: Friendship is not given, it is earned.
16: Trust is not given, it is earned.
(14,15,and 16 were originally one statement. I decided to seperate them into three because each could be (and usually are) subject to variables. But, the common principal remains the same; you must earn your right to be called a friend, be respected and be trusted; And you should expect everyone to earn those things from you.)
17: The best way to defeat an enemy is to have intimate knowledge of them.
(I don't know who originally said this but, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is a good rule of thumb. This does not mean you have to act like you're thier friend, but it behoves you to know what they are up to.)
18: When/If you are attacked, (verbally, emotionally, physically, etc.) and immediate action is necessary, Retaliate in the most extreme way possible, otherwise, remember rule #2.
19: You and you alone are in charge of your own destiny: Although you may need help from others from time to time, you are the final authority on what actions to take.
20: True love is not an emotion, it is an action, and should only be shown to those who have earned it.
21: Treat others as you want to be treated, However, If they do not return the same courtesy, they should be treated as a mortal enemy.
(Anyone who will return kindness with maliciousness, has no regard for you, or your well being, and therefore must be regarded as a threat to you safety and possibley, your life. This does not mean that you should seek them out and harm them, it simply means that you should be on red alert at all times when you encounter this person.)
22: Do not lie, unless there is no other way to avoid harm to yourself.
(Lies solve nothing. Honesty, 99% of the time, is the best policy. Just because your honest, doesn't mean you have to be cruel in your honesty, but a lie is certainly more cruel than the truth. If someone does not want to hear the truth yet, you continually give them the truth, they will eventually stop asking you for your opinion. On another note, lying to make yourself look better will eventually come back to haunt you, because inevitabley, the truth you should have told in the first place will be revealed.)
23: If you catch someone in a lie, give them one chance to redeem themselves. If they do not, they should never be trusted again.
(Refering back to #16, if they have earned your trust, they should be given the chance to maintain that trust, depending upon what they lied about of course. However, trust can be unearned easier than it can be earned in the first place. Hence, if you approach them about their lie and they do not admit to it, they should be disassociated completely.)
(Use your imagination people!!! Destroying someone does not necessarily mean physical action. Ever hear, "The pen is mightier than the sword"? Exposing a person for what they are is often times more effective. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. If this person is violating a law of some kind, report them. Etc Etc Etc.)
25: All men/women are equal, regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, age, ability or disability. And should be shown equal respect so long as they have earned it.
27: Anyone who says you are going to hell is your mortal foe!!!
(Think about this for a moment. What is hell in the minds of those who believe in it? ETERNAL TORTURE BEING BURNED ALIVE AND NEVER DYING. If someone has no remorse about condemning you to be set on fire and you NEVER having relief from this torment, what regard does that person have for your life?)
28: Analyze everything, Seek the truth, Seek proof, Using logic as your guide.
29: DO NOT ASK FOR FORGIVENESS FROM ANYONE!!!! If you make a mistake, acknowledge it and try not to make the same mistake again. If you know that you will make the same mistake again, you have no place asking for forgiveness in the first place, that only makes you a liar.
30: ALL humans are subject to error.
(Yes, believe it or not, this means you)
31: Self Preservation is first and foremost in everything.
Some of the areas I did not comment on. I didn't feel they needed any comment. However, if you have any question as to what regards those or any of my other statements or comments were meant in, please feel free to ask.
i have finally gotten around to reading this , and found it fabulously informative,i finally have the answers to questions that have been asked of me in the past thankyou for such a great post