Actually, Yahoo has been mis-behaving very badly lately, so no, at the moment, no one is meeting in the Yahoo chatrooms. However, we do go to Yahoo and do conferences, so if you are added to anyone's messenger, we can see you and invite you. Also, we do have a chat room available on GCN - Global Connections Network - just look for cepf.
Sorry WhiteHart, if you wish to add me to your messenger you can do so - this goes for anyone else as well...
MM again fire i tryed to find your user name firephoenix74 on yahoo and could'nt ....i'll try again maybe i typed in something wrong.....if you get a chance and send me an invite so i can add you it would be great mine is Whitehart_of_the_elvenhood i know it's long but the otherd were taken....Thanx...MP:WH:blankstare: